Sailor Moon; Pretty Warriors (Sailor Moon: Bishojo Musou) is a beat em up game for the PS3 and Wii U. Following Gundam, Fist of the North Star and One Piece, Sailor Moon has been added to Koei-Tecmo's warriors franchises.
Sailor Scouts[]
- Sailor Moon
- Sailor Mercury
- Sailor Mars
- Sailor Jupiter
- Sailor Venus
- Sailor Uranus
- Sailor Neptune
- Sailor Saturn
- Sailor Chibi Moon
- Sailor Pluto
Dark Kingdom[]
- Jadeite
- Nephirite
- Zoisite
- Kunzite
- Queen Beryl (non-playable)
Black Moon Clan[]
- Prince Demande
- Rubeus
- Esmeraude
- Black Lady
- Saphir
- Koan
- Berthier
- Calaveras
- Petz
- Wiseman (non-playable)
Death Busters[]
- Kaolinite
- Eudial
- Mimete
- Tellu
- Viluy
- Cyprine & Ptilol
- Mistress 9 (non-playable)
Dead Moon Circus[]
- Tiger's Eye
- Hawk's Eye
- Fish Eye
- CereCere
- VesVes
- Zirconia
- Queen Nehellenia
Shadow Galaxia[]
- Sailor Galaxia
- Sailor Chi
- Sailor Phi
- Sailor Lethe
- Sailor Mnemosyne
- Sailor Iron Mouse
- Sailor Aluminum Seiren
- Sailor Lead Crow
- Sailor Tin Nyanko
- Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
Reptilia Empire (original)[]
- Emperor Fing Fang
- Lagarto (A red skinned lizard, loyally serves his emperor, uses two rapiers)
- Prince Hoptoad (A toad of super agility and uses a sansetsukon)
- Sun Fochi (a gecko armed with claws, trickster)
- Lady Asp (an asp woman with the upper body looking human, her face of a snake, and her lower body like a snake's, uses a whip)
- Krokodeilos (A female fire magic using alligator)
- Alligatoras (younger brother of Krokodeilos, uses iaido weaponry)
- Leguan (A female iguana who moves with lightning speeds, uses a spear)
- Lei Muxo (A calotes jerdoni girl, uses punching gloves)
- La Magra (The Tyrannosaurus rex dreaming god, when the Horn of Kings is placed in the forehead of him, he will revive and the world would be destroyed) (non-playable)
- Tuxedo Kamen
- Helios
Collab Download characters[]
- Zhao Yun
- Lu Bu
- Ma Chao
- Yukimura Sanada
- Kanetsugu Naoe
- Mitsunari Ishida
- Tadakatsu Honda
- Achilles
- Ryu Hayabusa
- Ayane
- Seimei Abe
Downloadable Content[]
Dynasty Warriors music set[]
- Yellow Storm
- Jump Into the Battlefield
- Endless Fight
- Divine Wind ver. 2
- The Men of Intelligence
- Wallcrusher
- Heavy Gauge
- The Wall of Fate
- Gain Ground
- Interceptor
- Evil Festival
- Struggle for Existence
- And Again to the Battlefield
- Ancient Heroes
- Breakthrough
- Dance Macabre
- Great Red Spirit
- Gloomy Shadow
- Fate Corrodes Me
- Excalibur
- Chaotic Field
- Flame and Rapidity
- Oriental Rush
- The Two Heroes
- Dabes
- Beat It
- Night Raid
- Crush 'em All
- Male Roar
- Clumsy Empression
- Flying Cloud
- Ambition to Take Over
- Large Feather
- Confusion
- Frenzy Moon
- Kid Around Ska
- Pierce
- Isolation
- Massacre Theatre
- Escape from Hell
- Farewell to...
- Over the Limit
- Trick and Magic
- Teary Edge
- Twin Axe
- Capricious Wind
- Seventh Journey
- Final Game
- Cyclonized Typhoon
- Solo
- Hopeful Pain
- Beyond the Destiny
- Thousand Suns -7TH MIX-
- Welcome to China -7TH MIX-
- Arena -7TH MIX-
- With Vengeance
- The Inherited Fang
- Trio the Beryl
- Quiet Howl
- The Mountain
- Silent Urge
- Heavenly Strike
- Quirk of Fate
- Solid State Mind
- So Extreme
- Desperate Run
- Stronghold
- Who Is Justice
- Mighty Sweep
- Mass Attack
- Overdose
- Upper Drive
- Good Punch
- Uninvited Guest
- Chromatic Damage
- All Together
- The Epic
- The World Born Again
- Sync Clouds
- Like a Dancer