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Project X Zone 3:Sacred Destinies (プロジェクト クロスゾーン 3 神聖な運命 - Purojekuto Kurosu Zōn San: Shinseina Unmei) or simply Project X Zone 3, is a Fighting/Tactical-Role Playing game featuring characters from Bandai Namco, Capcom and Sega. Nintendo returns once again with both Fire Emblem Awakening and Xenoblade Chronicles franchises, but now, more third-party companies joins the game, being those Koei Tecmo, Arc System Works, SNK, Square-Enix, Compile Heart, Marvelous and Konami.


Three years after Project X Zone 2, a mysterious evil force is causing chaos making worlds, ages and dimension rifts combine once more, Ouma has returned once more but now searching something important related with the Arisu Clan.


Like its predecessor, Project X Zone 3 is a tactical role-playing game in which players strategically maneuver their characters across a field to battle with the enemy. Characters are paired up into Pair Units, with Solo Units consisting of a single character able to assist them when linked together. In battle, players use well-timed attacks and combos to do as much damage to the opponent as possible before their turn ends.

New Gameplay Additions

  • Ultimate Multi-Attack: A new skill added to every pair unit, the difference between the normal one is that you can attack 8 Enemy Units at the same time, depending of the Unit level and skills is the damage that will cause.

E.g.: Reiji & Xiaomu can do it along with Haken & Sänger, Xiaomu & Sänger will start with the combination attack and Reiji & Haken will finish this.

  • Change Unit's Order: You can swap a character for certain Unit to gain Individual experience

E.g.: Reiji & Xiaomu, the Unit gains more experience and Reiji gains Individual experience, However, if is Xiaomu & Reiji, Xiaomu gains the Individual experience instead of Reiji.

  • Single Unit: Similar to Namco X Capcom when a Unit was alone in the case of being a Boss Unit before, like Cammy White or Lilith Aensland for example, just in cases when a hero is brain-washed, betrays the group or something else, that's also another way to obtain individual experience but just with CERTAIN Units and in CERTAIN chapters.


  • Challenge Stages: The challenge stages are back, with now 16 challenges to beat, gain both normal and individual experience and get exclusive rewards that'll not be found on any store of the game.



Main article: Project X Zone 3: Sacred Destinies/Crosspedia


Pair Units

NOTE: Characters with * symbol are initially an enemy unit, characters with Bold text are newcommers.

Name Game/Series Company
Reiji Arisu & Xiaomu Namco X Capcom Bandai Namco Games
Kogoro Tenzai & Mii Kouryuuji Project X Zone Bandai Namco Games
Haken Browning & Sänger Zonvolt Endless Frontier & Super Robot Wars OG Bandai Namco Games
KOS-MOS & Fiora Xenosaga & Xenoblade Bandai Namco Games & Nintendo
Jin Kazama & Heihachi Mishima Tekken Bandai Namco Games
Ling Xiaoyu & Alisa Bosconovitch Tekken Bandai Namco Games
Taki & Natsu Soul Calibur Bandai Namco Games
Hugo Pennywort & Claire Victorious God Eater 3 Bandai Namco Games
Louis Amamiya & Mia Karnstein Code Vein Bandai Namco Games
Yuito Sumeragi & Kasane Randall Scarlet Nexus Bandai Namco Games
Kite & BlackRose .Hack Bandai Namco Games
Yuri Lowell & Lloyd Irving Tales of Vesperia & Tales of Symphonia Bandai Namco Games
Wonder Momo & Amazona Wonder Momo: Typhoon Booster Bandai Namco Games
Gilgamesh & Arthur The Tower of Druaga & Ghosts 'n Goblins Bandai Namco Games & Capcom
Ryu & Ken Masters Street Fighter Capcom
Chun-Li & Cammy White Street Fighter Capcom & Sega
Morrigan Aensland & Hsien-Ko / Lei-Lei Darkstalkers Capcom
Megaman X & Zero* Megaman X Capcom
Chris Redfield & Leon Scott Kennedy Resident Evil Capcom
Jill Valentine & Claire Redfield Resident Evil Capcom
Dante & Bayonetta* Devil May Cry & Bayonetta Capcom & Sega
Frank West & Bruno Dellinger Dead Rising & Dynamite Cop Capcom & Sega
Hayato Kanzaki & June Lin Milliam Star Gladiator Capcom
Sanada Yukimura & Musamune Date Sengoku BASARA Capcom
Akira Yuki & Jacky Bryant Virtua Fighter Sega
Pai Chan & Sarah Bryant* Virtua Fighter Sega
Joker & Skull Persona 5 Sega
Yu Narukami & Yosuke Hanamura Persona 4 Sega
Ichiro Ogami & Gemini Sunrise Sakura Wars Sega
Sakura Shinguji & Erica Fontaine Sakura Wars Sega
Claude Wallace & Riley Miller Valkyria Chronicles 4 Sega
Kazuma Kiryu & Goro Majima* Yakuza: Dead Souls Sega
Axel Stone & Blaze Fielding Streets of Rage Sega
Hotsuma & Hibana Shinobi & Nightshade Sega
Michael Hardy & James Cools Virtua Cop Sega
Toma & Cyrille Shining Force EXA Sega
Vyse & Aika Skies of Arcadia Sega
Chrom & Lucina Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo
Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart Final Fantasy VII Square Enix
Kyo Kusanagi & Iori Yagami* The King of Fighters SNK
Marco Rossi & Eri Kasamoto Metal Slug SNK
Jonathan Morris & Charlotte Aulin Castlevania: Portraits of Ruin Konami
Sol Badguy & Sin Kiske Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Arc System Works
Neptune/Purple Heart & Noire/Black Heart Hyperdimension Neptunia Compile Heart
Asuka & Yumi Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Marvelous

Solo Units

Name Game/Series Company
Kaguya Nanbu Endless Frontier Bandai Namco Games
Valkyrie Adventure of Valkyrie Bandai Namco Games
Taizo Hori Dig Dug Bandai Namco Games
Kazuya Mishima* Tekken Bandai Namco Games
Ein God Eater 3 Bandai Namco Games
Io Code Vein Bandai Namco
Hanabi Ichijou Scarlet Nexus Bandai Namco
Velvet Crowe Tales of Berseria Bandai Namco Games
Rutee Katrea Tales of Destiny Bandai Namco Games
Haseo .Hack//G.U. Bandai Namco Games
Waya Hime Bravoman Bandai Namco Games
Neneko/Neito Yumeria Bandai Namco Games
Haruka Amami The Idolm@ster Bandai Namco Games
Ingrid Capcom Fighting Evolution / Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX Capcom
Mike Haggar Final Fight Capcom
Felicia Darkstalkers Capcom
Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey Ace Attorney Capcom
Vergil* Devil May Cry Capcom
Captain Commando Captain Commando Capcom
Strider Hiryu Strider Capcom
Saki Omokane Quiz Nanairo Dreams Capcom
Tessa / Tabasa Red Earth Capcom
Regina Dino Crisis Capcom
Kaijin no Soki Onimusha Capcom
Sega Shiro SEGA Sega
Ulala Space Channel 5 Sega
Queen Persona 5 Sega
Aigis Persona 3 Sega
Alice Landale Phantasy Star Sega
Kage-Maru Virtua Fighter Sega
Sakura Amamiya Shin Sakura Wars Sega
Kai Schulen Valkyria Chronicles 4 Sega
Ichiban Kasuga Yakuza: Like A Dragon Sega
Joe Musashi Shinobi Sega
Rikiya Busujima Zombie Revenge: The House of the Dead Sega
Ramaya Arabian Fight Sega
Janet Marshall Virtua Cop Sega
Elhaym Van Houten Xenogears Square Enix
Kasumi Dead or Alive Tecmo Koei
Richter Belmont* Castlevania: Rondo of Blood Konami
Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid Konami
Raiden Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Konami
Chizuru Kagura The King of Fighters SNK
Terry Bogard Fatal Fury SNK
Ramlethal Valentine Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Arc System Works


Name Game/Series Company
Saya Namco X Capcom Bandai Namco
Sheath Project X Zone 2 Bandai Namco
Shashka Original Bandai Namco
Dokugozu Namco X Capcom Bandai Namco
Dokumezu Namco X Capcom Bandai Namco
Galamton Original Bandai Namco
Omicon Super Robot Wars Bandai Namco
Necron Super Robot Wars Bandai Namco
T-elos Xenosaga Bandai Namco
Kazumi Mishima Tekken Bandai Namco
Nightmare Soul Calibur Bandai Namco
Vajra God Eater Bandai Namco
Marduk God Eater Bandai Namco
Anubis God Eater Bandai Namco
Black Valkyrie Adventure of Valkyrie Bandai Namco
Zouna Adventure of Valkyrie Bandai Namco
Oliver Collins Code Vein Bandai Namco
Azure Flame Kite .Hack//G.U. Bandai Namco
Zagi Tales of Vesperia Bandai Namco
Duke Pantarei Tales of Vesperia Bandai Namco
Twilight Pronyma Tales of Symphonia Bandai Namco
Original Amazona Wonder Momo: Typhoon Booster Bandai Namco
Druaga The Tower of Druaga Bandai Namco
Juri Han Street Fighter Capcom
Kolin Street Fighter Capcom
Urien Street Fighter Capcom
Akuma Street Fighter Capcom
Baby Bonnie Hood / Bulletta Darkstalkers Capcom
Lord Raptor / Zabel Zarock Darkstalkers Capcom
Pyron Darkstalkers Capcom
Jedah Dohma Darkstalkers Capcom
Sigma Megaman X Capcom
Jack Norman Resident Evil Capcom
Albert Wesker Resident Evil Capcom
Nelo Angelo Devil May Cry Capcom
Druk Captain Commando Capcom
Shtrom Captain Commando Capcom
Shtrom Jr. Captain Commando Capcom
Scumocide Captain Commando Capcom
Solo Strider Capcom
Tong Pooh Strider Capcom
Grandmaster Meio Strider Capcom
Ghost Bilstein Star Gladiator Capcom
Hauzer Red Earth Capcom
T-Rex Dino Crisis Capcom
Astaroth Ghosts 'N Goblins Capcom
Nebiroth Ghosts 'N Goblins Capcom
Coco ★ Tapioca Space Channel 5 Sega
Shadow Space Channel 5 Sega
Purge Space Channel 5 Sega
V-Dural Virtua Fighter Sega
Balder Bayonetta Sega
Dokurobo Sakura Wars Sega
Aya-Me Sakura Wars Sega
Ranmaru Mori Sakura Wars Sega
Nobunaga Oda Sakura Wars Sega
Shadow Sae Persona 5 Sega
Shadow Aigis Persona 3 Sega
Shadow Labrys Persona 4 Arena Sega
Crymaria Levin Valkyria Chronicles 4 Sega
Selvaria Bles Valkyria Chronicles Sega
Riemsianne La Vaes Shining Force EXA Sega
Ragnadaam III Shining Force EXA Sega
Kurohagane β Nightshade Sega
Kurohagane α Nightshade Sega
Kurakuda Shinobi Sega
Shiva Streets of Rage Sega
Lord Galcian Skies of Arcadia Sega
Metal Face Xenoblade Nintendo
Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII Square Enix
Yashiro Nanakase The King of Fighters SNK
Shermie The King of Fighters SNK
Chris The King of Fighters SNK
Orochi Iori The King of Fighters SNK
Allen O'Neil Metal Slug SNK
Jetstream Sam Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Konami
Death Castlevania: Rondo of Blood Konami
Dracula Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Konami
Jack-O' Valentine Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Arc System Works
Kasumi α Dead or Alive Koei Tecmo
Alpha-152 Dead or Alive Koei Tecmo
Iris Heart Hyperdimension Neptunia Compile Heart


Name Game/Series Company
Dr.Chizuru Urashima Project X Zone 2 Bandai Namco
Shion Uzuki Xenosaga Bandai Namco
MOMO Mizrahi Xenosaga Bandai Namco
Lulu Baran God Eater 3 Bandai Namco
Aura .Hack Bandai Namco
Original Wonder Momo Wonder Momo: Typhoon Booster Bandai Namco
Ishtar The Return of Ishtar Bandai Namco
Miyuki-Chan Ordyne Bandai Namco
Klonoa Klonoa Bandai Namco
Guntz Klonoa Bandai Namco
Lolo Klonoa Bandai Namco
The High Priestess Klonoa Bandai Namco
Karin Kanzuki Street Fighter Capcom
Alia Megaman X Capcom
Ada Wong Resident Evil Capcom
Franziska Von Karma Ace Attorney Capcom
Sylphie Forgotten Worlds Capcom
Princess Elise Sonic The Hedgehog Sega
Mitsuru Kirijo Persona 3 Sega
Dunban Xenoblade Nintendo
Tiki Fire Emblem Awakening Nintendo
Malon The Legend of Zelda Nintendo
Aerith Gainsborough Final Fantasy VII Square Enix
Alucard Castlevania Konami
Fio Germi Metal Slug SNK

DLC Units

DLC Units will be available to expand the experience, as well, new chapters will be added to expand the story of the game.


Name Game/Series Company
Aschen Brodel & Suzuka-Hime Endless Frontier Bandai Namco Games
Alisa Ilinichina Amiella & Ciel Alencon God Eater 2 Bandai Namco Games
Batsu Ichimonji & Bahn Rival Schools & Fighting Vipers Capcom & Sega
Demitri Maximoff & Jeanne Darkstalkers & Bayonetta Capcom & Sega
Trish & Lady Devil May Cry Capcom
Kurt Irving & Imca Valkyria Chronicles III Sega
Rex & Pyra Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo
Neku Sakuraba & Joshua Kiryu The World Ends With You Square Enix
Asura & Shiki Samurai Shodown 64 SNK


Name Game/Series Company
Aty Summon Night 6 Bandai Namco Games
Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe Capcom
Ryo Hazuki Shenmue Sega
Riela Marcellis Valkyria Chronicles III Sega
Leanne Resonance of Fate Sega
Mythra Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo
Pit Kid Icarus Uprising Nintendo
2B NieR:Automata Square Enix
Nakoruru Samurai Shodown SNK


Name Game/Series Company
Meden Traore Project X Zone Bandai Namco
Due Flabellum Project X Zone Bandai Namco
Eins Belanos Project X Zone Bandai Namco
Drei Belanos Project X Zone Bandai Namco
Unknown Tekken Bandai Namco
Kamuz Adventure of Valkyrie Bandai Namco
Artorius Collbrande Tales of Berseria Bandai Namco
Seth Street Fighter Capcom
Gill Street Fighter Capcom
Rathalos Monster Hunter Capcom
Alastor Viewtiful Joe Capcom
Ciseaux & Prelude Sakura Wars Sega
Yasha Shin Sakura Wars Sega
Maximilian Valkyria Chronicles Sega
Malos Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo
Medusa Kid Icarus Uprising Nintendo
Sho Minamimoto The World Ends With You Square Enix
Goenitz The King of Fighters SNK
Geese Howard Fatal Fury SNK
Bedman Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Arc System Works


Name Game/Series Company
Hooded Girl / Female Storyteller Original Bandai Namco
Lindow Amamiya God Eater Bandai Namco
Atoli .Hack//G.U. Bandai Namco
Palutena Kid Icarus Uprising Nintendo
Shiki Misaki The World Ends With You Square Enix


Some Units may summon other characters as part of their attacks while some appear as non-playable characters:

Name Type of Unit Character Summons
Valkyrie Solo Unit
  • PAC-MAN (Classic appearance)
  • Mappy
  • Prince (Katamari Damacy)
Haseo Solo Unit
Morrigan Aensland and Hsien-Ko Pair Unit
Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey Solo Unit
  • Judge (Ace Attorney)
  • Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney)
  • Missile (Ace Attorney)
Strider Hiryu Solo Unit
  • Amaterasu Okami (Okami)
  • Lee Wong (Tiger Road)
Sega Shiro Solo Unit
Ulala Solo Unit
  • Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone)
  • AiAi (Super Monkey Ball)
  • Beat (Jet Set Radio)
  • NiGHTS (NiGHTS Into Dreams)
Pit Solo Unit (DLC)
  • Ness (Earthbound)
  • Mach Rider
  • R.O.B.
  • Olimar & Pikmin (Pikmin)
Baby Bonnie Hood Boss Unit
  • Mobilesuits α & β (Side Arms Hyper Dyne)
Tong Pooh Boss Unit
  • Pei Pooh (Strider)
  • Nang Pooh (Strider)
Allen O'Neil Boss Unit
  • Cyber Woo (King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing)


Song Game/Series Theme of/Plays on
Together we are One World Original Intro
Wonderful, Brave New Project Original Menu
Silent Approach Project X Zone Introduction / Prologue
Trembling City of Aris Namco X Capcom Reiji Arisu
Brave New World Namco X Capcom Xiaomu
Wanderer's Road Project X Zone Kogoro Tenzai
Wing Wanderer Project X Zone Mii Kouryuuji
Path to Certain Victory Namco X Capcom Special Attack (Reiji & Xiaomu)
Someday, Under the Moon Namco X Capcom Multi-Attack (Reiji & Xiaomu)
All The World's Stage Project X Zone 2 Ultimate Multi-Attack (feat Reiji & Xiaomu)
Hard Time Project X Zone Special Attack (Kogoro & Mii)
Galaxy Project X Zone Ultimate Multi-Attack (feat Kogoro & Mii)
Seek of Destruction Original Story BGM #1
Accelerating Chaos Namco X Capcom Story BGM #2
Rapid Storm Project X Zone Story BGM #3
Everything is Within Battle Namco X Capcom Player's Turn Theme / Story BGM #4
Rising Stage Project X Zone Story BGM #5
That Shadow Namco X Capcom Story BGM #6
Facing the Wind Namco X Capcom Story BGM #7
Unperturbed Footsteps Project X Zone 2 Story BGM #8
Tear Drop Project X Zone Story BGM #9
A Storm Named Destiny Namco X Capcom Story BGM #10
Positive Thinkin' Namco X Capcom Story BGM #11
The Shimmering of Darkness Namco X Capcom Story BGM #12
Footsteps of Time Namco X Capcom Story BGM #13
That Shadow, from the Other Side Namco X Capcom Story BGM #14
Invisible Dark Project X Zone 2 Story BGM #15
Brave Parade Project X Zone Story BGM #16
The Gate of Resolved Fates Namco X Capcom Story BGM #17
To Those Who are Leaving Namco X Capcom Story BGM #18
Like a Dream at That Time Namco X Capcom Story BGM #19
Silence from the Past Original Story BGM #20
Because it's the Right Path Namco X Capcom Area Clear
The Dragon Soars, the Turtle Gallops Project X Zone 2 Dr. Chizuru Urashima's Shop / Cutscene
Evil Profusion Namco X Capcom Ouma Theme #1
Another Place to go Original Sub-Menu / Crosspedia
All Correct! Super Robot Taisen: Endless Frontier Haken Browning
UNCHAIN WORLD Super Robot Taisen: Endless Frontier Kaguya Nanbu / Aschen Brodel
Where Infinities Meet Super Robot Taisen: Endless Frontier Suzuka-Hime
The Sword That Cleaves Evil Super Robot Wars OG Sänger Zonvolt
ROCKS Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden Ultimate Multi-Attack (feat Haken & Sänger)
We've Got To Believe In Something Xenosaga Episode III KOS-MOS
Jin Kazama Tekken 3 Jin Kazama
Ling Xiaoyu Tekken 3 Ling Xiaoyu
Piano Intro Massive Mix Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Heihachi Mishima / Alisa Bosconovitch
Beginning of the End Tekken 7: Fated Retribution Kazuya Mishima
Faster Than A Howling Wind Soul Calibur V Natsu
Diabolous Amalgam Soul Calibur VI Taki
Over The Clouds God Eater Alisa Illinichina Amiella
No Way Back ~Out of my Way~ God Eater Ein
F.A.T.E. God Eater 2 Ciel Alencon
Stereo Future God Eater 3 Claire Victorious
Departing for Death God Eater 3 Hugo Pennywort
Underworld Code Vein Louis Amamiya
Boss Fight Code Vein Mia Karnstein / Io
Dream in Drive Scarlet Nexus Yuito Sumeragi
Stand Up to the Threat Scarlet Nexus Kasane Randall
Go, Scarlet Guardians Scarlet Nexus Hanabi Ichijou
Main Theme Adventure of Valkyrie Valkyrie
Stage Start / Stage Theme Dig Dug II Taizo Hori
Stairs of Time .Hack//Link Kite
Tears of Feelings .Hack//Link BlackRose
Gentle Hands .Hack//G.U. Haseo / Chapter 47 Battle Theme
Fury Sparks Tales of Vesperia Yuri Lowell
Fatalize Tales of Symphonia Lloyd Irving
The Will That Opposes Reason Tales of Berseria Velvet Crowe
Lion, Irony of Fate Tales of Destiny Rutee Katrea
Summoned by the Sun Summon Night 3 Aty
Wonder Wars Wonder Momo (Anime) Wonder Momo
Track 2 Wonder Momo: Typhoon Booster Amazona
Main Theme The Return of Ishtar Gilgamesh
Main Theme Bravoman Waya Hime
Curiosity and the Cat Yumeria Neneko
Matching The Idolm@ster SP Wandering Star Haruka Amami
Theme of Ryu (SFV Arrange) Street Fighter V Ryu
Volcanic Rim Stage (Oceania) Street Fighter IV Ken Masters / Cammy White
Theme of Chun-Li (SFIV Arrange) Street Fighter IV Chun-Li
Heartwarming Feelings Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie Ultimate Multi-Attack (feat Ryu & Ken / Chun-Li & Cammy) / Chapter 45 Battle Theme
Seek No Escape Street Fighter Alpha 3 Ingrid
Bay Area Final Fight Mike Haggar
We'll Protect Our School Rival Schools: United by Fate Batsu Ichimonji
Feast of the Damned Vampire Savior: Lord of Vampire Demitri Maximoff
Deserted Chateau Vampire Savior: Lord of Vampire Morrigan Aensland
Vanity Paradise Vampire Savior: Lord of Vampire Hsien Ko
Tower of Arrogance Vampire Savior: Lord of Vampire Felicia
Opening Stage X / Eurasia Broken City Highway Megaman X5 Megaman X
Opening Stage Zero Megaman X5 Zero
Seismic Activity Resident Evil: Revelations Chris Redfield
Ride on Sea Resident Evil: Revelations Jill Valentine
Revelations Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Claire Redfield
Main Theme Resident Evil 6 Leon Scott Kennedy
Devils Never Cry (Staff Roll) Devil May Cry 3 Dante / Lady
Ultra Violet (Nelo Angelo Battle) Devil May Cry Vergil / Trish
Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! (2002) Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All Phoenix Wright
Junai Chaos Ace Attorney (Anime) Maya Fey
Stage 1 (City) Captain Commando Captain Commando
Raid Strider Strider Hiryu
Frank West's Theme Dead Rising Frank West
Illusion of Peace Star Gladiator 2 Hayato Kanzaki
Against The Absolute Star Gladiator 2 June Lin Milliam
Leave It To Me! ~ Theme of Saki Quiz Nanairo Dreams Saki Omokane
Avatar of Cruel Knowledge Red Earth Tessa
Regina's Challenge Dino Crisis 2 Regina
Haunted Graveyard Ghosts 'N Goblins Arthur
Joe the Hero Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe
Soki's Theme Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams Kaijin no Soki
Ongaku Emaki - Ao Ban Moeyo, Waga Tamashi! Sengoku BASARA Sanada Yukimura
Blaze ~ Crimson Lotus ~ Sengoku BASARA Musamune Date
Unnamed Sega Shiro song SEGA'S 40th anniversary videos Sega Shiro
Mexican Flyer Space Channel 5 Ulala
Tomorrow is Mine Bayonetta 2 Bayonetta
Time for the Climax! Bayonetta 2 Jeanne
Last Surprise Persona 5 Joker
Life Will Change Persona 5 Skull / Queen
Reach Out To The Truth Persona 4 Yu Narukami
Pursuing My True Self Persona 4 Yosuke Hanamura
Mass Destruction Persona 3 Aigis
Ride The Tiger Virtua Fighter 2 Akira Yuki
Star from H.K. Virtua Fighter 2 Pai Chan
Love Does Not End (Staff Roll) Virtua Fighter 5 Jacky Bryant
Love Is Not Enough! Virtua Fighter (Anime) Sarah Bryant / Kage-Maru
Armstone Town Day Fighting Vipers Bahn
Manifest! Imperial Flower Assault Sakura Wars Ichiro Ogami / Sakura Shinguji
Under The Imperial Flag Sakura Wars III: Is Paris Burning? Erica Fontaine
Surface Warriors Sakura Wars V: So Long My Love Gemini Sunrise
Manifest! Imperial Flower Assault (Shinshou) Shin Sakura Wars Sakura Amamiya
Light Up My Life Valkyria Chronicles 4 Claude Wallace
Ausbruch Valkyria Chronicles 4 Riley Miller / East Europan Imperial Alliance Theme
Squad E Moves On Valkyria Chronicles 4 Kai Schulen
Valkyria's Awakening Valkyria Chronicles Riela Marcellis
Open Fire! Valkyria Chronicles III Imca
If You Wish For It Valkyria Chronicles III Kurt Irving
Main Theme Shenmue II Ryo Hazuki
Kazuma Kiryu Battle Theme Yakuza: Dead Souls Kazuma Kiryu
Funk Goes On! Yakuza Goro Majima
Rolling Eyes Fall Down The Dragon Wall Yakuza: Like A Dragon / Yakuza 7 Ichiban Kasuga
They're Back Streets of Rage 4 Axel Stone
Main Theme Streets of Rage 4 Blaze Fielding
Patience ~Other Version~ Shinobi (2002) Hotsuma
Vengeful Beauty Nightshade Hibana
Mandara Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master Joe Musashi
Stage 1: Arms Black Market Virtua Cop Michael Hardy
Stage 2: Underground Weapon Storage Virtua Cop James Cools
Go Ahead Virtua Cop 2 Janet Marshall
World's Love Shining Force EXA Toma
Hope Shining Force EXA Cyrille
Vyse's Theme Skies of Arcadia Vyse
Battle 1 Skies of Arcadia Aika
Main Theme Phantasy Star Alice Landale
Battle To Pay The Debt [A] Resonance of Fate Leanne
Chapter 1: Tragedy ~ A.M.S. Agent Zombie Revenge: House of the Dead Rikiya Busujima
Poop Deck Pursuit Dynamite Cop Bruno Dellinger
Player Select / Stage 1 (Pirate Ship) Arabian Fight Ramaya
You Will Know Our Names Xenoblade Chronicles Fiora
Battle Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Rex
You Will Recall Our Names Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Pyra / Mythra
Conquest Ablaze Fire Emblem Awakening Chrom
Duty Ablaze Fire Emblem Awakening Lucina
Thunder Cloud Temple Kid Icarus Uprising Pit
Light From the Netherworld Xenogears Elhaym Van Houten
Let The Battles Begin! Final Fantasy VII Cloud Strife
Fight On! Final Fantasy VII Tifa Lockhart
Twister The World Ends With You Neku Sakuraba
Fighting For Freedom The World Ends With You Joshua
A Beautiful Song NieR:Automata 2B
Purity Dead or Alive 5 Kasumi
Esaka The King of Fighters '96 Kyo Kusanagi
NOW OR NEVER The King of Fighters XV Iori Yagami / Chizuru Kagura
Sunrise On The Train Garou: Mark of the Wolves Terry Bogard
Banquet of Nature Samurai Shodown Nakoruru
Murderous Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage Asura
Perpetual Darkness Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage Shiki
Main Theme Metal Slug: Super Vehicle 001 Marco Rossi
First Contact Metal Slug 2 Eri Kasamoto
Encounter Metal Gear Solid Solid Snake
Rules of Nature Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Raiden
Slash Castlevania: Rondo of Blood Richter Belmont
Jail of Jewel Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Jonathan Morris
Invitation of a Crazed Moon Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Charlotte Aulin
Give Me A Break Guilty Gear Xrd Sol Badguy
Ride The Fire Guilty Gear Xrd Sol Badguy (Dragon Install)
Sky Should Be High Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- Sin Kiske
Break A Spell Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Ramlethal Valentine
Heavy Day Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- Special Attack (Sol & Sin)
Purple Heart's Theme Hyperdimension Neptunia V Purple Heart
Noire's Theme Hyperdimension Neptunia V Black Heart
Grandma's True Motive Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Asuka
The Bewitching Gessen Girls' School Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Yumi
Cathedral Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground .Hack//INFECTION Aura Appears / Arrival to the Cathedral
Battling KOS-MOS Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht T-elos Merges with KOS-MOS
Crazy Chili Dog Street Fighter III: Third Strike Urien's Final Appearance Cutscene Theme
X vs Zero Megaman X5 Chapter 29 Battle Theme
REPORT 6 Desperate Dance Showdown Space Channel 5 Part 2 Purge's Cutscene Theme
Burn My Dread Persona 3 Chapter 46 Battle Theme
An Obstacle In Our Path Xenoblade Chronicles Metal Face's Cutscene Theme
Rhythmic Hallucination The King of Fighters '97 Orochi Team's Final Appearance Cutscene Theme
The Soul of Fight Hyperdimension Neptunia Iris Heart's Cutscene Theme
Level 1 Ordyne Miyuki-Chan's Shop Theme
Stage 1 Forgotten Worlds Sylphie's Shop Theme
Shop The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Malon's Shop Theme
Stepping Wind Klonoa 2 Chapter 32 Battle Theme
BGM #1 Don't Pull Chapter 10 Battle Theme
His World Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) Chapter 33 Battle Theme
Battle Field Golden Axe Chapter 37 Battle Theme
Tortimer Island Animal Crossing Chapter 11 Battle Theme
Splattack Splatoon Chapter 26 Battle Theme
Kasumi's Theme Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Chapter 36 Battle Theme
The Faceless Demon Original Story BGM #21
The Truth Behind Original Story BGM #22
Sacred Destinies Original Final Battle
The Sun Shines Again Original Story BGM #23
The Time for us Original Staff Roll
Oros Phlox Project X Zone Oros Phlox Theme #1
Dark Target Project X Zone Oros Phlox Theme #2
Angels With Burning Hearts Burning Rangers
The Forest of Hope Pikmin

Character Art Gallery

Bandai Namco (Playable Heroes)

Capcom (Playable Heroes)

Sega (Playable Heroes)

Third Party (Playable Heroes)


Bandai Namco (Villains)

Capcom (Villains)

Sega (Villains)

Third Party (Villains)

Training Dummies

Voice Actors

  • Kazuhiko Inoue - Reiji Arisu
  • Omi Minami - Xiaomu
  • Toshihiko Seki - Kogoro Tenzai
  • Yukari Tamura - Mii Kouryuuji, June Lin Milliam
  • Mariko Kōda - Dr. Chizuru Urashima
  • Ai Orikasa - Saya, Aya-Me
  • Kotono Mitsuishi - Sheath
  • Houko Kuwashima - Shashka, Cyrille, Kasumi, Kasumi α
  • Yoichi Nishijima - Dokugozu
  • Toru Nara - Dokumezu
  • Nobuyuki Hiyama - Galamton, Haken Browning, Batsu Ichimonji, Demitri Maximoff, Pyron
  • Yuuko Sumitomo - Female Storyteller / Hooded Girl
  • Hochu Otsuka - Meden Traore
  • Megumi Hayashibara - Due Flabellum
  • Toshio Furukawa - Eins Belanos, Taizo Hori
  • Taiten Kusunoki - Drei Belanos, Heihachi Mishima
  • Yukana - Kaguya Nanbu, Crymaria Levin
  • Kaori Shimizu - Aschen Brodel
  • Mamiko Noto - Suzuka-Hime
  • Kenichi Ono - Sänger Zonvolt
  • Arisa Nishiguchi - Omicon, Q-Bee
  • Yukari Kokubun - Necron
  • Mariko Suzuki - KOS-MOS, T-elos, Waya-Hime, Neito
  • Ai Maeda - Shion Uzuki
  • Rumi Shishido - MOMO Mizrahi
  • Eri Nakao - Fiora, Tong Pooh
  • Hiro Shimono - Rex
  • Shino Shimoji - Pyra, Mythra
  • Ryō Horikawa - Dunban, Kronos, Michael Hardy, Ragnadaam III
  • Norio Wakamoto - Metal Face, Balder, Dracula
  • Yūichi Nakamura - Malos, Kurt Irving
  • Yumi Touma - Elhaym Van Houten
  • Kikuko Inoue - Valkyrie, Black Valkyrie
  • Mayumi Tanaka - Zouna
  • Kenta Miyake - Kamuz
  • Isshin Chiba - Jin Kazama, Jedah Dohma
  • Masanori Shinohara - Kazuya Mishima
  • Maaya Sakamoto - Ling Xiaoyu, Alisa Ilinichina Amiella, Aura, Aigis, Shadow Aigis, Kai Schulen, Princess Elise The Third, Aerith Gainsborough
  • Yuki Matsuoka - Alisa Bosconovitch
  • Yumi Hara - Kazumi Mishima, Yumi
  • Mamiko Noto - Unknown, Ciel Alencon, Alis Landale
  • Nanako Mori - Taki
  • Fuyuka Oura - Natsu
  • Yasunori Masutani - Nightmare, Scumocide
  • Tomokazu Seki - Hugo Pennywort, Viewtiful Joe, Vyse
  • Haruka Tomatsu - Claire Victorious
  • Kazuya Nakai - Ein, Masamune Date
  • Hiroaki Hirata - Lindow Amamiya, Vergil, Nelo Angelo, Jetstream Sam
  • Kaito Ishikawa - Louis Amamiya
  • Ai Kayano - Mia Karnstein
  • Lynn - Io
  • Tarusuke Shingaki - Oliver Collins
  • Junya Enoki - Yuito Sumeragi
  • Asami Seto - Kasane Randall
  • Tomomi Mineuchi - Hanabi Ichijou
  • Sayaka Aida - Kite, Azure Flame Kite
  • Masumi Asano - BlackRose, Imca
  • Takahiro Sakurai - Haseo, Guntz, Megaman X, Cloud Strife, Jonathan Morris
  • Ayako Kawasumi - Atoli
  • Kosuke Toriumi - Yuri Lowell, Strider Hiryu, Shiva
  • Katsuyuki Konishi - Lloyd Irving
  • Rina Satou - Velvet Crowe, Queen
  • Yuka Komatsu - Rutee Katrea
  • Akio Suyama - Zagi, Ichiro Ogami
  • Rikiya Koyama - Duke Pantarei, Frank West
  • Yuki Makishima - Twilight Pronyma
  • Ken'yuu Horiuchi - Artorius Collbrande
  • Akira Ishida - Gilgamesh, Purge
  • Fumiko Orikasa - Ishtar, Miyuki-Chan, Chun-Li, Lady, Janet Marshall
  • Fumihiko Tachiki - Druaga
  • Yuka Fujiwara - Wonder Momo
  • Misaki Komatsu - Amazona
  • Haruko Momoi - Original Wonder Momo
  • Kumiko Watanabe - Original Amazona, Klonoa
  • Ayako Kawasumi - Aty, Tessa, Ramaya
  • Tomoko Kaneda - Neneko
  • Eriko Nakamura - Haruka Amami
  • Tomoko Kawakami - Lolo, Aika
  • Maria Kawamura - The High Priestess
  • Hiroki Takahashi - Ryu, Bahn
  • Yuji Kishi - Ken Masters
  • Miyuki Sawashiro - Cammy White
  • Kiyoyuki Yanada - Mike Haggar
  • Masako Jo - Ingrid
  • Aya Endō - Karin Kanzuki, Riela Marcellis, Leanne, Malon
  • Lawrence Bayne - Eleven, Twelve
  • Eri Kitamura - Juri Han
  • Romi Park - Kolin, Toma
  • Masayuki Katou - Urien
  • Taketora - Akuma
  • Akio Otsuka - Seth, Solid Snake
  • Misa Ishii - Doll Unit Zero
  • Fumihiko Tachiki - Gill
  • Rie Tanaka - Morrigan Aensland, Sylphie, Mitsuru Kirijo, Purple Heart
  • Saori Hayami - Hsien-Ko
  • Kana Asumi - Felicia
  • Miyuki Matsushita - Baby Bonnie Hood
  • Yuji Ueda - Lord Raptor
  • Ryotaro Okiayu - Zero, Captain Commando, Alucard
  • Rumi Kasahara - Alia
  • Mugihito - Sigma, Allen O'Neil
  • Hiroki Tochi - Chris Redfield
  • Atsuko Yuya - Jill Valentine, Blaze Fielding
  • Toshiyuki Morikawa - Leon Scott Kennedy, Dante, Hayato Kanzaki, Joe Musashi, Sephiroth
  • Yūko Kaida - Claire Redfield, Shadow Sae
  • Junko Minagawa - Ada Wong
  • Jōji Nakata - Albert Wesker, Sol Badguy
  • Atsuko Tanaka - Trish, Regina, Bayonetta, Hibana
  • Takayuki Kondo - Phoenix Wright, James Cools
  • Satomi Hanamura - Maya Fey
  • Yukari Suwabe - Franziska Von Karma
  • Yukitarou Namura - Druk
  • Hironori Kondou - Shtrom
  • Yoshiaki Hasegawa - Shtrom Jr.
  • Yuichi Jose - Solo
  • Tetsuo Mizutori - Grandmaster Meio
  • Shinichiro Miki - Alastor, Akira Yuki, Richter Belmont
  • Tetsu Inada - Arthur
  • Daisuke Kageura - Shielder
  • Hitoshi Bifu - Astaroth
  • Takahiro Yoshino - Nebiroth
  • Yoko Honna - Saki Omokane
  • Toshiyuki Kusuda - Kaijin no Soki
  • Soichiro Hoshi - Sanada Yukimura
  • Maito Fujioka - Sega Shiro
  • Mineko Okamura - Ulala
  • Sho Hayami - Shadow
  • Mie Sonozaki - Jeanne
  • Masaya Matsukaze - Ryo Hazuki
  • Jun Fukuyama - Joker, Maximillian
  • Mamoru Miyano - Skull
  • Daisuke Namikawa - Yu Narukami
  • Showtaro Morikubo - Yosuke Hanamura
  • Ayana Taketatsu - Shadow Labrys
  • Minami Takayama - Pai Chan, Pit
  • Kunihiro Kawamoto - Jacky Bryant
  • Ayumi Tsunematsu - Sarah Bryant
  • Takenobu Mitsuyoshi - Kage-Maru
  • Takaya Kuroda - Kazuma Kiryu
  • Hidenari Ugaki - Goro Majima
  • Kazuhiro Nakaya - Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kinryu Arimoto - Galcian
  • Chisa Yokoyama - Sakura Shinguji, Yaksha
  • Noriko Hidaka - Erica Fontaine
  • Sanae Kobayashi - Gemini Sunrise
  • Ayane Sakura - Sakura Amamiya
  • Daisuke Egawa - Dokurobo
  • Kiyomi Asai - Ranmaru Mori
  • Jūrōta Kosugi - Nobunaga Oda
  • Wataru Takagi - Ciseaux
  • Ryousuke Kanemoto - Claude Wallace
  • Nao Touyama - Riley Miller
  • Sayaka Ohara - Selvaria Bles, Chizuru Kagura
  • Daisuke Kishio - Hotsuma
  • Masao Harada - Kurohagane β
  • Michihiko Hagi - Kurakuda
  • Tomokazu Sugita - Axel Stone, Chrom
  • Daisuke Namikawa - Rikiya Busujima
  • Megumi Toyoguchi - Riemsianne La Vaes
  • Ben Hiura - Bruno Delinger
  • Yū Kobayashi - Lucina
  • Ikue Ōtani - Tiki
  • Aya Hisakawa - Palutena
  • Naomi Shindō - Medusa
  • Ayumi Ito - Tifa Lockhart
  • Kōki Uchiyama - Neku Sakuraba
  • Ryōhei Kimura - Joshua Kiryu
  • Anna Hachimine - Shiki Misaki
  • Takayuki Fujimoto - Sho Minamimoto
  • Yui Ishikawa - 2B
  • Tomoaki Maeno - Kyo Kusanagi
  • Takanori Hoshino - Iori Yagami, Orochi Iori
  • Keisuke Hamaoka - Yashiro Nanakase
  • Erina Seto - Shermie
  • Rui Yamasaki - Chris
  • Susumu Akagi - Goenitz
  • Takashi Kondō - Terry Bogard
  • Kong Kuwata - Geese Howard
  • Mai Nakahara - Nakoruru
  • Kazuya Ichijo - Asura
  • Chitose Morinaga - Shiki
  • Takenosuke Nishikawa - Marco Rossi
  • Kana Hanazawa - Eri Kasamoto, Iris Heart
  • Kanako Morikado - Fio Germi
  • Yumi Kakazu - Charlotte Aulin
  • Satoshi Tsuruoka - Death
  • Ken'yū Horiuchi - Raiden
  • Kaori Takeda - Alpha-152
  • Issei Miyazaki - Sin Kiske
  • Megumi Han - Ramlethal Valentine
  • Hiromi Igarashi - Jack-O' Valentine
  • Hikaru Midorikawa - Bedman
  • Asami Imai - Black Heart
  • Hitomi Harada - Asuka
  • N/A - Charade, Vajra, Marduk, Anubis, Huitzil, Jack Norman, Rathalos, Vector, Hauzer, Velociraptor, T-Rex, Coco Tapioca, Dural, Kurohagane α, Mars People


Main article: Project X Zone 3: Sacred Destinies/Gallery.


  • This is the first time all incarnations of the Xeno series appears in one game.
  • The game marks the final battle against Ouma and Oros Phlox, the latter in the DLC expansion story.


GIWA 2017 Trophy

GIWA 2019 Trophy
