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FRITZBLITZ is a 2D platformer developed by Undercoders (which also created Superepic: The Entertainment Wars).


Frisby, a rabbit who's the mascot of the cereal, Rambles, is tired of not being able to eat his cereal because of the cereal's slogan, "Stupid Bunny, Rambles Are For Kids!". Determined to get his cereal, Frisby sends his army of rabbits, known as the Rambley Rabbitz, to steal a fox name Fritz Revis' TV and hold it for ransom for Rambles. Enraged, Fritz gets his Giant Golf Club to defeat Frisby and get his TV back.



  • Fritz Revis - A fox who's prides himself on his TV. He's Sheila's wife and Cloud's father.
  • Iscream Cones - A white rabbit who's Fritz's next door neighbor's son. He joins Fritz for the chance to get violent and wields a Big Baseball Bat.
  • Peter Dodderson - A pink hamster who's Fritz's neighbor and is the local saint. He agrees to help Fritz, if he takes in his campaign to let Frisby eat Rambles.


  • Sheila Revis - Fritz's wife and Cloud's mother.
  • Cloud Revis - Fritz's son and Sheila's wife.
  • Tyson Bourne - A buffalo who's Fritz's friend.
  • Bluey McCloud - A blue cat who's Fritz's other friend.
  • Greeny McCloud - A green cat who's Bluey's brother. He usually suffers injuries.
  • Godfrey VII - A venus flytrap who's hosting a party on Frisby's property.


  • Frisby - A blue rabbit who loathes not eating his cereal, despite him being the mascot.
  • The Rambley Rascals - Four rabbit brothers who are Frisby's elite rabbits. They often go by their official name, The Gold Scarved Rabbitz.
    • TallRascal - A long, snake-like rabbit who likes to relax in his homemade hot tub.
    • BrawlRascal - A brawny rabbit who's a pro wrestler.
    • SmallRascal - A small rabbit who's a gadgeteer genius.
    • MaulRascal - A fat rabbit who's a cultured actor.
  • The Sewer Squad - A gang of four outcast sewer animals who banded together to earn their respect and they appear in the Ex Boss Rush Mode.
    • "Wild" Al Gator - A brawny alligator.
    • Vexmin - A purple rat.
    • Cockyroach - A stained-glass cockroach.
    • Roxo - A rock with a face drawn on it.
  • The Mall Mice - Two mouse brothers who are trying to rob a vault in Jade Alpaca Mall.


  • Babylon Park - The first level which is a town in Alberta, Canada and home to Fritz.
  • HotShot Sewers - The second level which is sewer.
  • BrawlRascal - Boss: BrawlRascal
  • Slushi Springs - The third level which is a mountain.
  • Barrel Vine Mines - The fourth level which is a mine.
  • Villania Ice - Boss: Villania Ice
  • The Hot Tub - The fifth level which is a pool.
  • TallRascal - Boss: TallRascal
  • Concrete Forest - The sixth level which is a forest.
  • Spinball Lagoon - The seventh level which is a pinball-themed lagoon.
  • Bonny the Loco-Bird - Boss: Bonny the Loco-Bird
  • Jade Alpaca Mall - The eighth level which is a mall.
  • SmallRascal - Boss: SmallRascal
  • Breakfast Factory - The ninth level which is a factory.
  • MaulRascal - Boss: MaulRascal
  • The Mysterious Doghouse - The tenth level which is a doghouse infested with carnivorous plants.
  • WoodFlats - Boss: WoodFlats
  • Frisbyland - The eleventh level which is Frisby's garden.
  • Ramble Manor - The twelfth level which is Frisby's house and a final Happy Hour starts.
  • Frisby - Boss: Frisby


  • BrawlRascal - A brawny rabbit who's the first boss.
  • Villania Ice - An ice cream wizard who's the second boss. The second phase is when you fight him inside his body.
  • TallRascal - A long, snake-like rabbit who's the third boss.
  • Bonny the Loco-Bird - A huge orange bird with rabbit ears who's the fourth boss.
  • SmallRascal - A small rabbit who's the fifth boss.
  • MaulRascal - A fat rabbit who's the sixth boss.
  • WoodFlats - A monster resembling the Flatwoods Monster who's the seventh boss.
  • Frisby - A rabbit who's the final boss. The final phase has Fritz turn into a winged demon and battle a stronger version of him.


  • It's inspired by Summitsphere's ANTONBLAST.



  • 11th-Hour Superpower: During the final boss, Frisby manages to literally suck the life out of Fritz which seemingly kills him, only for his spirits to power him and turn him into a big red demon (while Iscream turns into a rabbit with bat wings), allowing him to Clash in all eight directions as well as giving him 10 HP (represented by Fritz getting his own set of boss health bars).
  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects:
    • The clock in the Happy Hour timer is a filtered 3D model, while the rest of the game uses 2D sprites. Averted in earlier demos, where it's a sprite as well.
    • The Mecha Frisby chasing you during the end of Breakfast Factory is also a digitized 3D model, albeit the larger size makes this much easier to notice.
  • Advancing Wall of Doom: The Rambley Rascals' blimp serves as one during Babylon Park's Happy Hour, plowing through terrain and dropping Fritz to a penalty area if he can't outrun it.
  • The Alcoholic: Fritz is a drunkard who will literally destroy Frisbyland to get his stolen TV back.
  • Ambigous Situation: During the Happy Hour, it's revealed that Mecha Frisby is just one of many mechas produced by the factory, as their silhouettes are seen in the background of the chase. Was Mecha Frisby a prototype or the latest model? Considering Breakfast Factory, alongside all mechas, get destroyed and they're not seen elsewhere, it's hard to say.
  • Antepiece: In Babylon Park, a secret area hidden above Peter's elevator (labeled the Smoke Spot) has a series of floating crates leading to a large poker chip. Later in the level, another series of crates leads to a slot machine on the top of a building, and the sewers have a sequence that leads to a Heartdrink crate and chips. Carefully placing your jumps to get to these items are meant to prepare the player for Happy Hour, which has an even longer series of crates for Fritz to hop along while outrunning the Rambley Rascals' blimp.
  • Animal Stereotypes: Fritzblitz's cast has a significant amount of anthropomorphic animals, and many stereotypes apply to them.
    • Rambley Rabbitz, who are rabbits, seem to live in cities that resemble them.
      • SmallRascal and MaulRascal are seen as rather intelligent, the former being a Gadgeteer Genius and the latter being a cultured actor.
    • The Turtles make their living inside of HotShot Sewer, and are far smarter than the other enemies in the level, using a makeshift cannon to attempt to attack you.
  • Anthropomorphic Food: The Spirits are depicted as having faces.
  • Arc Symbol: Various different interactable objects (Such as the pipes in Babylon Park, and the falling totems in Slushi Springs) have a rabbit head embedded on them, which makes sense, as the game's Big Bad is Frisby.
  • Ax-Crazy: Fritz is happy to destroy everything in his path in his quest to retrieve his TV. Iscream is even moreso, as he joins in, despite having no real stake in Fritz's quest, simply for the chance to wreak havoc.
  • Autobots, Rock Out!: Happy Hour is accompanied by Outta My Way ...It's Happy Hour!, a triumphant rock track.
  • Big Bad: Frisby stealing Fritz's TV is what kicks off and motivates the plot.
  • Big Ball of Violence: As shown in a YouTube Short, at one point in her boss fight, SmallRascal rebuilds his mecha. But all the rebuilding is obscured by a smoke cloud.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Played for Laughs. After defeating Frisby, he blows up nearly everything with a Frisby Switch, with Fritz and Iscream celebrating their victory, only to reveal that Fritz's house is the only house that somehow survived the destruction.
  • Blood Knight: Iscream joins in on Fritz's quest, despite the two not getting along, simply for the sake of the destruction and mayhem she'd get to cause.
  • Cartoon Bomb: TallRascal throws cartoon bombs at you during his boss fight.
  • Character Catchphrase: Fritz has "IT'S HAPPY HOUR!", said at the start of Happy Hour. It's also associated with him in-universe, as in the Living with Fritz trailer, Fritz mentions children bugging him into saying the line.
  • Collapsing Lair: Each level ends with a timed sequence labeled as a Happy Hour. Your goal is to escape the level before the explosives you just armed blow the place to bits.
  • Comedic Sociopath: Fritz and Iscream are both extremely Ax-Crazy, but are almost always Played for Laughs.
  • Crate Expectations: The game is full of crates, including the classic wooden kind, stronger steel ones, pulsating green explosive ones, entire freaking prefabs...
  • Crosshair Aware: The spots where TallRascal's bombs and SmallRascal's missiles will land during their boss fights are marked with red crosshairs.
    • The places where Bonny the Loco-Bird will attack you are marked with exclamation points.
  • Cumulonemesis: There are pinkish clouds that try to zap the player. However, the player often needs to get zapped in order to progress.
  • Cute and Psycho: Iscream is cute as a button and only joins Fritz so he can engage in violence.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: Enemies explode when defeated.
  • Downloadable Content: The creators teased two DLC campaigns, one starring Tyson and Bluey, and one starring Peter. They will be part of the game if it sells enough.
  • Down the Drain: Babylon Park has sections of levels that take place in the sewers.
  • Everything Breaks: The game allows you to destroy everything in your path. Boxes? Smash them. Girders? Bring them down. Entire buildings? Level them.
  • Exact Words: One of the collectible types are equippable items you can buy from Peter, described as things "you can wear." Equipping them doesn't appear to do anything for Fritz because well, they're for you. As a result, what equipping them actually does is apply a range of distracting or goofy visuals over the screen.
  • Excuse Plot: Frisby stole your TV. Destroy everything in your path to get it back.
  • Expy:
    • Fritz's character has seemingly taken the most explosively volatile aspects of Wario and cranked them up to eleven, also made him a fox.
    • Between his portly stature, being the leader of a Kremling-like crew, and his evil British accent, Frisby is a clear homage to the Donkey Kong Cartoon version of King K. Rool , which Undercoders even acknowledges on their official channels. Him being the rabbit mascot of a cereal he can't eat is also highly reminiscent of a certain other rabbit mascot, Trix's Rabbit.
    • The Rambley Rascals are highly reminiscent of the Broodals, from Super Mario Odyssey, being a quirky miniboss squad of four rabbits.
    • Bonny the Loco-Bird's design seems to based on Sonny the Cuckoo Bird, just with the rabbit ears.
    • Sheila, being the love interest to Fritz, is pretty much like Tawna being a love interest to Crash.
    • Godfrey VII is a clear carbon copy of Audrey II.
  • Face Plant: Weaponized as Fritz's Fritzonic Bomb move. Triggering it after jumping makes him drop face-first like a Ground Pound, and landing on an explosive crate with it turns the move into an Action Bomb.
  • Flatwoods Monster: WoodFlats takes inspiration from this.
  • Flawless Victory: Clearing a level by collecting all its major collectibles, never dropping a combo, and taking no damage will result in the clear screen declaring that you are ON THE BLITZ. This status isn't tracked and isn't tied to any unlockables.
  • Floating Limbs: Villania Ice, a boss showcased in the release date trailer, is a white giant who lacks arms, and instead has floating hands that they punch you with.
  • Floating Water: Some levels have water that floats mid-air.
  • Follow the Money: Poker chips often indicate where to go. Occasionally there are even chips shaped in an arrow formation.
  • Gelatinous Trampoline: Slushi Springs has round jelly of various colors that bounce the player around. Later in the game, there are jelly cubes that also bounce the player.
  • Glass Cannon: Fritz is capable of insane levels of destruction, but can only take three hits before being tossed back to a checkpoint. He can however upgrade his health at Peter's shop.
  • Glass Smack and Slide: When Frtiz's health reaches 0, Fritz is slammed against the screen.
  • Golf Clubbing: Fritz carries a Golf Club with the head more than half the size of himself for combat.
  • Gotta Catch Them All: The goal of each level is to find one of Fritz's stolen traveling spirits.
  • Hailfire Peaks:
    • Babylon Park is an urban landscape typical of a Gateless Ghetto level, but also contains the sewers of a Down the Drain level.
    • The first half of Slushi Springs contains the candy motif of a Level Ate (of the 'Level entirely made of candy' variety) and the lava and rocks of a Lethal Lava Land. The second half instead mixes Level Ate with a Wutai landscape.
  • Heart Container: Twice in the game, after completing a certain amount of levels, Peter will sell a health extension that adds a heart to the Life Meter.
  • Inconveniently-Placed Conveyor Belt: Factory levels have conveyor belts that serve no other purpose than to hinder the player.
  • Inspiration Nod:
    • One of the major inspirations for the game is Crash Bandicoot, and it shows in the bustable crates, tornado transformation, the voice-over in the title screen mimicking that of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, and even the game's ads using the same font featured in the logo of Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Graffiti of Crash also appears on one of the buildings in Babylon Park.
    • The Virtual Boy Wario Land influence (dual layer gameplay, jump pads) is referenced through the Red Rooms, secret areas that have a monochrome pinkish-red palette as if the game was being played on a Virtual Boy.
  • Joke of the Butt: Several of Frisby's pre-level taunt sprites have his comically-oversized rear displayed prominently.
  • Made of Explodium: Just about everything explodes on account of the game’s focus on wreaking havoc and wrecking everything in your path.
  • Non-Human Head: Villania Ice, one of the bosses showcased in the release date trailer, is a giant with an ice cream cone for a head that you need to attack to damage them.
  • Nominal Hero: Both protagonists are only fighting Frisby for purely selfish reasons: Fritz to get his TV back, Iscream for the chance to wreak havoc.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: Some of the creatures Fritz faces are a giant made of ice cream, an giant bird with rabbit ears, and bomb-spitting barrels.
  • Pickup Hierarchy:
    • Primary: Fritz's Travelling Spirit, which you'll need to get in each level.
    • Secondary: The cassette tape, spray can and piece of junk, which you could collect to 100% the level.
    • Tertiary: Poker Chips, which are scattered and are used as currency in Peter's shop.
  • Place Worse Than Death: The finisher for Bonny the Loco-Bird has him getting slammed into Mexico.
  • Plunger Detonator: Pressing down large color-coded plunger detonators will blow up blocks with matching color. There's also one at the end of each level that starts Happy Hour.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: The Rambley Rascals are one of these, being a bunch of goofy rabbits who work for Frisby.
  • Rascally Rabbit: The main enemies in the game are rabbits, as well as the Big Bad.
  • Rewarding Vandalism: Breaking wooden crates and colorful bricks yields chips and temporarily increase combo meter. Most other breakable objects just increase combo meter.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: When Frisby has his Rambley Rabbitz army steal his TV, Fritz flies into a rage and declares that he's going to blast whoever did this. Which is what Frisby is betting on so Fritz can give him a box of cereal.
  • Rolling Attack: Crouching while moving downhill causes the player to roll, destroying enemies and breakable objects that get in the way.
  • Running Gag: The game’s social medias love posting an art piece of Fritz and Geno Hotdog messily french kissing whenever the latter’s game is brought up.
  • Saw Blades of Death: Saws with eyes are an obstacle in a few levels, spinning to the rhythm. Most stay in place while a few move back and forth.
  • Screen Shake: Destroying objects causes screen to shake. The screen similarly also shakes constantly during Happy Hour.
  • Shout-Out: The game has several.
    • One of the combo rankings is "Play It Loud", a clear reference to Nintendo's Play It Loud campaign in the mid-to-late '90s.
    • Another combo ranking is "Aaahh!!!", which is done in the same style as the logo of Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.
    • Iscream's pose when jumping from the foreground and background is the same pose Sonic makes on the Sonic Adventure box-art.
    • Thanks to the Living with Fritz trailer, it is confirmed that he has cousin who's a pirate working at a pizzeria, a clear reference to Foxy from FNAF.
    • Several songs on the soundtrack have the same "Title...Purpose" naming scheme as the stage tracks for Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2.
    • A YouTube Short reveals that Villania Ice performs the memetic zoot suit Daffy pose in his boss intro.
    • A pair of costumes references Action 52, with the blurbs given referencing the The Angry Video Game Nerd review of the game. Another pair of costumes references Cuphead, with Fritz and Iscream being Cuphead and Mugman respectively.
    • Villania Ice starts off his fight by doing the Daffy Duck "Literally Me" pose from Book Revue.
    • Jade Alpaca Mall is a clear reference to Undercoders' early game, Slabwell: The Search for Kaktun's Alpaca. The Mall Mice even look like the main characters, Sam and Jacky.
  • Seven Deadly Sins:
    • Each of the bosses other than Frisby corresponds to a sin, as described in the achievements for beating each of them. BrawlRascal represents Pride, SmallRascal represents Envy, TallRascal represents Sloth, MaulRascal represents Wrath, Villania Ice represents Lust, Bonny the Loco-Bird represents Greed, and WoodFlats represents Gluttony.
    • Frisby isn't ascribed one in his defeat achievement like the other bosses, but instead displays traits of all of them. He's incredibly prideful in his body. Him not getting his Rambles incurs his wrath and envy of kids enjoying them. He slothfully has all of his minions do the work for him, only showing up to taunt Fritz and Iscream. His portly frame and the comically large straw Frisby uses to suck the player character's life imply that Frisby is a bit of a glutton. His immediate thought upon siphoning Fritz's life is about finding a mate and he muses that any woman would be proud to be Mrs. Frisby, indicating a traditional lust in addition to his pursuit for his Rambles. And he lives in an opulent castle and drops a shedload of poker chips as he's sent flying by Hellhound Fritz, indicating his greed in hoarding wealth
  • Speed Echoes: Characters leave trails when going fast.
  • Springs, Springs Everywhere: Manually activated springboards transport Fritz between the foreground and background layer.
  • Stock Sound Effect: Stock cartoon sound effects are used a lot.
    • Stock explosion sounds are heard whenever anything explodes, in other words, very often.
    • A stock casino sound effect is heard whenever collected poker chips get added to your total.
    • When the player holds the down button while spinning mid-air, the stock slowmotion spin sound effect starts to play.
  • Surprisingly Creepy Moment: The Hot Tub starts out looking like a Breather Level set up in a bath house. It gradually but noticeably begins to reveal itself as something Frisby made, with globs of darkness chasing you, rubber ducks that do something unknowable to hurt Fritz, floating bodies of water, and Alien Geometries that rearrange themselves the moment you're not looking at them.
  • Suspiciously Cracked Wall: If a surface is cracked, it usually means it can be broken.
  • Tattooed Crook: BrawlRascal, one of the bosses, has a heart tattoo on his shoulder and is, like the other rabbits, working for Frisby.
  • Throw Down the Bomblet: TallRascal's boss fight has him throw Cartoon Bombs at you from his hot tub as shown in the Rambley Rascals reveal livestream.
  • Timed Mission: In addition to the Happy Hour sequences, two levels are time-limited in different ways:
    • Jade Alpaca Mall has two mice running along a vault's combination lock, giving Fritz 3 minutes to hit one of the four plungers before the mouse can crack the lock.
    • Ramble Manor triggers Happy Hour at the very start, giving Fritz 8 minutes to run through the entire stage. This is also the only Happy Hour with a checkpoint.
  • Title Scream:
    • The logo for Undercoders in both the startup splash screen and ads for the game is accompanied by a raspy voice screaming "UNDER!", referencing American TV spots for Sega games in the '90s.
    • The game itself has a deep-voiced narrator yell "Fritz...BLITZ!" on the title screen, accompanied by the logo falling in and harming Fritz.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Fritz naturally has a broader torso and bigger arms in comparison to his smaller, skinnier legs. This also goes for Frisby, whose bloated upper body/posterior stands in contrast with his tiny legs.
  • Trash the Set: The objective of the game's non-boss levels is to hit a detonator to blow up the level and escape before the bombs go off.
  • Traveling-Pipe Bulge: When Fritz enters a pipe, a bulge in the pipe is clearly seen.
  • Variable Mix: When entering Babylon Park sewers, the soundtrack becomes more subdued.
  • Victory Fakeout: The Hot Tub has a fake elevator that Fritz jumps into during Happy Hour, only for it to turn into an Frisby-themed cage and try to trap Fritz. This fakeout comes back in Ramble Manor.
  • Video Game Dashing: Fritz's default method of attack and to move around quickly is dashing. Unique in that if you keep tapping the dash button in rhythm, it gets progressively faster. The developers have compared it to Crash Team Racing boost mechanics.
  • Video Game Sliding: Crouching during a dash will make the player slide for a short while. Longer if there is no headroom to stand up.
  • Water-Geyser Volley: In Slushi Springs, there are water geysers that can be used to travel upwards. Some of them are initially blocked by destructible objects.
  • Winged Soul Flies Off at Death: One of the transformations Fritz and Iscream can undergo is being zapped by lightning and turning into an angelic ghost. This is also subverted a little in that the flight is actually because two Micro Rabbitz are dragging the character upward, rather than them actually flying.
  • World of Funny Animals: This is where the game is set in.
  • Wretched Hive: Babylon Park is described as seedy and certainly looks run down.
  • Wutai: The second half of Slushi Springs is a feudal Japan-themed village… which seemingly exists in the same time period as Babylon Park.


  • Awesome Art: The sprite work is very nice looking. Having a very fluid and bouncy 32-bit art-style that is clearly influenced by Wario Land 4 with touches of Earthworm Jim, Ed, Edd n Eddy, as well as graffiti, but has its own vibe going on.
  • Awesome Music:
    • The title screen theme of the game, "It's Opening Hour!", is a loud, bombastic rock song that matches Fritz's explosive personality.
    • What happens if you blend Wario Land 4's sound with the new jack swing of Sonic the Hedgehog CD, and the melody of the Antonball Deluxe theme? Well, you get the catchy bop that is "Fritz the Fox".
    • "Outta My Way! ...It's Happy Hour!" is a highly intense and fast-paced rock remix of Fritz the Fox that really screams "hurry and get the hell out before everything explodes!".
    • "Turnin' Up the Heat", the theme that plays in Slushi Springs, is a funky, yet somewhat tribal sounding remix theme that has Crash Bandicoot vibes.
    • "Here Comes the Gold Scarved Rabbitz", the Rambley Rascals' theme, is a badass hip-hop song with a guitar solo around the 1:30 mark. It's a very action-y song that really makes you wanna kick some rabbit ass.
  • Crossover Ship:
    • Some fans have gone on to ship Fritz with Geno due to both of them being Wario Expies. It helps that Word of God himself has made art of the two kissing.
    • To a lesser extent, Iscream is shipped with Nickelynn from the game of the same name, thanks to some drawings by said game's creator, Lunasphere.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse:
    • Fritz's wife Sheila has gain some fans due to her sexualized appearance.
    • Villania Ice has received the most attention due to being the first boss showcased, his charming design, and his spectacular theme.
    • WoodFlats is also this due to his design bordering on Creepy Awesome and Creepy Cute.
  • Fandom-Enraging Misconception: Go ahead and call this game a "Clown Burger ripoff". Both games are based on Wario Land (specifically Wario Land 4).
  • Friendly Fandoms:
    • Given that it is heavily influenced by the Wario Land games (specifically Wario Land 4), the game has already been wholly embraced by fans of the Caesar Land series (which is also inspired by the Wario Land series), finding it to be a good alternative to an official Wario Land game.
    • Given they're both 2D indie games heavily inspired by Wario Land, it should come to no surprise that fans of Clown Burger have quickly embraced the game. It helps that the devs of Clown Burger have endorsed the game and have encouraged those to support it.
    • Gain one with Five Nights at Freddy's when several people noted the apparent similarity of Foxy(who was possessed by a boy named Fritz) to Fritz. This led to a slew of fanart depicting the two as friends, or Fritz as Foxy's cousin. Fritz even claims as much in the "Living with Fritz" trailer.
    • Has one with Nickelynn due to Fritz being a Guest Fighter in that game, as well as Nickelynn's creator starting the Crossover Ship between Iscream and Nickelynn.
  • Funny Moments:
    • The intro cutscene where the Rambley Rabbitz quickly break into Fritz's house, mess with the furniture, steal his spirits and retreat while fixing the door and Fritz's jaw drop reaction to it.
    • The combo names in Combo Chain deserve mention. Most notably, How?! and I Forgot To Name This One.
    • The end of the Bonny the Loco-Bird fight ends with Fritz or Iscream pile-driving the bird into Mexico.
    • The first phase of the fight against Frisby, where he prances around the arena, jumping around to slam the player with his large caboose and playing his nose like a flute.
  • Moral Event Horizon: To players, Frisby crosses this when he spitefully activates the "Frisby Switch" after being defeated by Fritz and Iscream. To Fritz, it's when Frisby steals his TV.
  • Popular with Furries: A game about a fox? That's bound to attract some members of the furry community. The most prominent ones are Sheila and BrawlRascal. Heck, the developers even acknowledged it in a video they posted on their Youtube channel.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song:
    • The "Happy Hour!" song has a lot of similarities to Super Smash Bros. Melee's Multi-Man Melee 1, with the guitar riffs and drum beats standing out.
    • "Commit to the Bird" sounds a lot like Ripper Roo's theme from Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Also, starting at 0:50 has a line whose melodic contour is nearly identical to Megalovania.
    • Similarly, "Bane and Brainfreeze" sounds really similar to Dingodile's theme from Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (or, more specifically, the remixed version from the remake in the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy).
    • "It's Opening Hour!" rings a bell to the title screen theme of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped.
    • "Here Comes the Gold Scarved Rabbitz" has, at the 32 second mark, a part that sounds similar to a part in the Act 1 Boss theme of Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not For Kids?: The cartoony artstyle and Wario land-styled gameplay, akin to that of Caesar Land and Clown Burger, can easily trick someone into assuming it's a platformer for children. However, the game contains alcoholic references, swearing, and not to mention, that the main protagonist's wife is heavily sexualized.