Tsuguhime (Japanese: つぐひめ), known by her real name as Megumi Tsugu (Japanese: つぐめぐみ), is the AI adjutant of the Rising Sun Self-Defense Force who will be appeared in Artistic Forces as the advisor. She will be appeared as an anime-esque Virtual YouTuber and voiced by Cristina Valenzuela.
Tsuguhime is depicted as a holographic, long-haired young anime woman in her camouflaged kimono, which is more akin to a Virtual YouTuber and a traditional Japanese woman. As a communications officer for the Risning Sun Self-Defense Force, the camouflage pattern of her kimono is the Japanese Flecktarn pattern, and her hairstyle is the Hime Cut, but her hair color is colored black.
- "R.S.S.D.F."
- "Establishing battlefield control standby."
- "Reinforcements have arrived."
- "Incoming transmission..."
- "Receiving incoming transmission..."
- "Battle control online."
- "Battle control offline."
- "Battle control terminated."
- "New option available."
- "New options available."
- "Receiving video uplink."
- "Incoming video uplink."
- "Unit promoted."
- "Congratulations, commander. You have been promoted."
- "Additional funds received."
- "New objective received."
- "New objectives received."
- "New bonus objective received."
- "New bonus objectives received."
- "Base defenses offline."
- "Base defenses online."
- "Building disabled."
- "Building enabled."
- "Game paused."
- "Game resumed."
- "Battlefield expanded."
- "Building sold."
- "Timer starts now."
- "Constructing..."
- "Training..."
- "Upgrading..."
- "Researching..."
- "On hold."
- "Cancelled."
- "Upgrade complete."
- "Research complete."
- "Building upgrade complete."
- "Objective accomplished."
- "Construction complete."
- "Unit ready."
- "Tier increased."
Resource insufficiency[]
- "Additional funds required."
Player under attack[]
- "Unit under attack."
- "Base under attack."
- "Construction unit under attack."
- "Resource gatherer under attack."
- "Hero under attack."
- "Critical unit under attack."
- "Critical structure under attack."
Ally under attack[]
- "Allied unit under attack."
- "Allied base under attack."
- "Allied construction unit under attack."
- "Allied resource gatherer under attack."
- "Allied hero under attack."
- "Allied critical unit under attack."
- "Allied critical structure under attack."
- "Select target."
- "Unit lost."
- "Hero lost."
- "Building lost."
- "Defense lost."
- "Construction unit lost."
- "Resource gatherer lost."
- "Critical unit lost."
- "Critical hero lost."
- "Critical building lost."
- "Critical defense lost."
- "Tech building lost."
Superweapon ready[]
- "Superweapon ready."
Using superweapon[]
- "Superweapon launched."
- "Superweapon launch detected."
- "Superweapon activated."
- "Superweapon created."
- "Superweapon shot."
- "Unacceptable build location."
- "Unacceptable landing zone."
- "Construction interrupted."
- "Landing sequence interrupted."
- "Invalid selection."
- "Credits stolen."
- "Building captured."
- "Enemy building captured."
- "Allied building captured."
- "Building infiltrated."
- "Enemy building infiltrated."
- "Allied building infiltrated."
- "An enemy has left the battlefield."
- "An ally has left the battlefield."
- "An enemy has been surrendered."
- "An ally has been surrendered."
- "Anomaly detected."
- "Low power."
- "Warning: Superweapon detected."
- "Warning: Superweapon launched."
- "Warning: Superweapon launch detected."
- "Warning: Superweapon activated."
- "Warning: Superweapon created."
- "Warning: Superweapon shot."
- "Allied superweapon detected."
- "Allied superweapon launched."
- "Allied superweapon launch detected."
- "Allied superweapon activated."
- "Allied superweapon created."
- "Allied superweapon shot."
- "A supply dock is nearing depletion."
- "A supply pile is nearing depletion."
- "A lumber field is nearing depletion."
- "An oil derrick is nearing exhaustion."
- "A crop field is nearing depletion."
- "A mine is nearing depletion."
- "A fuel field is nearing depletion."
- "Supply dock depleted."
- "Supply pile depleted."
- "Lumber field depleted."
- "Oil derrick exhausted."
- "Crop field depleted."
- "Mine depleted."
- "Fuel field depleted."
- "Stealth unit detected."
- "Subterranean unit detected."
- "Submerged unit detected."
- "Enemy base detected."
- "Enemy units detected."
- "Enemy hero detected."
- "Do not give up, commander."
- "Cannot build there."
- "Your building is being captured."
- "Building taken."
- "Vehicle stolen."
- "Beacon detected."
- "Your building is being sabotaged."
- "Building sabotaged."
- "Tech building captured."
- "Enemy tech building captured."
- "Allied tech building captured."
- "Sixty minutes remaining."
- "Thirty minutes remaining."
- "Twenty minutes remaining."
- "Fifteen minutes remaining."
- "Ten minutes remaining."
- "Five minutes remaining."
- "One minute remaining."
- "Thirty seconds remaining."
- "Twenty seconds remaining."
- "Ten seconds remaining."
- "Five seconds remaining."
- "Four seconds remaining."
- "Three seconds remaining."
- "Two seconds remaining."
- "One second remaining."
- "Ten."
- "Nine."
- "Eight."
- "Seven."
- "Six."
- "Five."
- "Four."
- "Three."
- "Two."
- "One."
- "Zero."
- "You are victorious."
- "You are defeated."
- "Mission accomplished."
- "Mission failed."
- "Draw."
See also[]
- Martin Alper II
- Evo Herzog
- Vladimir Kantorovich
- Qing Yan Lim
- Minjung Seung-Hun
- Maoko Ichimonji
- Nekoyumi Tsushin
- Stanley Stickmann
- Gruff Wolfson
- Steven Sherman
- Kruth
- Brandon Hawk
- Theodor Orator
- Branwyn Farrie
- Gadin Steelhead
- Deakin Musta
- Kog Brag Krieg
- Henriko Kalva
- Arsen Omarov
- Yamashiro Kaijo
- Cerebral AI
- Hisami Yamamoto
- Claudius Infernus
- Braedhir Hollows
- Franky Weirdo
- Mother Hivemind
- Mett the Advisor
- Rep Raptor
- Aru Ursar
- Alaunarra Lenith
- Shane Wilson
- Abigail Levi
- Samir Ayad
- Kanwar Mahmud
- Chester Pepin
- Pao Shu
- Julio
- Pan Ken Chen
- Zara
- Saffir
- Marty Trudeau
- Dennis Horton
- Bhawar Mishra
- Marian Wong
- Ahmet Yildrim
- Ali Khan
- Takeo Kiyomura
- Ryutaro Yasuda
- Hanjin
- Gareb
- Dracul Rosqvist