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Our mutant lives for the Horde!
~ The voice when the Mutant Horde is selected in the Campaign mode.

The Mutant Horde is one of the factions in Artistic Forces.



A derivative of the humanity itself, as a result of radiation and genetic mutation, the surviving humans have forgotten their humanly regular ways and have been resorted to irregularity, unconventionality, and mutational humanity by necessary means of mutation, militancy, trickery and stealth. With these useful tactics, they have formed the Mutant Horde, a paramilitary syndicate that mainly involves mutants as an answer to humanity. Like their human ancestors, its membership consists of mutants, private military contractors, militants, mercenaries, black marketers, underground organizations, renegade foreign military offshoots, and other paramilitary groups.

The technological level of this faction is nowhere near, but instead, they decided to possibly learn the ways of relying and utilizing the power of genetic mutation, attrition warfare, hit-and-run tactics, chemical warfare, high mobility, and guerrilla warfare, which includes unconventional, underhanded and sneaky tactics. In order to employ its usefulness in many of their effective skills and provide the strength of their military doctrine for fighting its enemies and their tactics, they are contracted by the private military contractors around the world to commonly supply them and equip with the arsenal of outdated military weapons, vehicles, aircraft and vessels, especially those of the former Soviet Union, but some of them are came from the stockpiles in some parts of the world with their signed contracts from the foreign military contractors. Also, they use mutated creatures like eagles, dire wolves, arthropods, wasps and beetles as their biological weapons, and their chemical weapons consist of poison, anthrax, Ebola, hydrochloric acid and other toxically deadly substances. Even though some rival factions knew how to use firepower, which includes incendiary devices, it was the Mutant Horde which uncovered its secrets.

During the events, the Mutant Horde intends to seek the next evolution of humanity by defeating its known enemy: the humankind, and replace the population with the mutants as the reasons for their exodus to themselves.




The Mutant Horde is a mutationally insidious paramilitary faction, composed of a loosely connected confederation of private military contractors, mercenaries, militants, black marketers, underground organizations, renegade military offshoots, and other nomadic and paramilitary communities, consisting of guerrillas and even mutants that exposed to materials, chemicals, radiation, and a variety of mutative maladies, causing genetic mutation of humans and other creatures. As a reason for their exodus to themselves, their intended common goal is to seek the next evolution of humanity by defeating their enemies, and replacing the humankind with mutant-kind. With the paramilitary force in their side, the Mutant Horde also have no official nationality nor organized armed forces backing them up as they require to resort to stealth, mutations, and paramilitarily improvised, unconventional and makeshift weaponry in order to help them fight for their cause. Most of their weapons, vehicles, aircraft, and vessels are old and long abandoned by the regularly official or legitimate modern-day armed forces that they used to serve, most prominently Soviet, Czech, French, Italian, and American military forces, but have been acquired, recycled, revitalized, and modified extensively, and given a new life in the ranks of the Mutant Horde for their paramilitary needs. The military personnel of the Mutant Horde is fanatically and relentlessly great, and cannot be stopped no matter what.


As a paramilitary faction, the military doctrine of the Mutant Horde relies on mutation, stealth, attrition warfare, high mobility, Salvage technology, and hit-and-run tactics as their main battle tactics, as well as surprise attacks and guerrilla tactics. They were also known to emphasize biological and chemical weaponry, especially the potentially noxious toxins, poisons, anthrax, Ebola, hydrochloric acid and other toxically deadly substances that can nearly and instantly dissolve and melt flesh into bones and vehicles into sludge, and animalistic mutants, in various ways to fight their enemies alongside their devious subterfuge, such as the incendiary weapons and dirty bombs.

Due to the effects of radiation and genetic mutation, the Mutant Horde has recruited the surviving mutants as their troops, mainly from private military companies, militants, black market organizations, underground organizations, renegade military offshoots, and other paramilitary groups, including the irregular militias, of the Third and Eurasian World, and some of the First World, in order to do their commanders' biddings. There were no shortage of these recruits, and the Mutant Horde is able to build up their forces quickly to challenge their enemies, either militarily superior or inferior, on the battlefield despite their intelligence being affected due to mutations. The typical infantry of the Mutant Horde is armed with weapons that are both cheap and expensive, and often have little training, although they employed overwhelming numbers, and the element of surprise to challenge and defeat their foes.

Like most paramilitaries, the structures of the Mutant Horde need no power, but some of them require more power to operate and improve their factional performance. In order to provide more power, select any of their construction units and build Wind Generators, Power Generators, Solar Generators or Bioreactors. When one or more power providers are operational, their build times are now reduced by 50%. The Mutant Horde recruited mutated civilians to construct buildings and base defense, and carry supplies for their military forces. They are either cheap or expensive, and quickly or slowly replaceable if they fall in the battlefield.

Many units of the Mutant Horde are generally cheap and quick to produce in their production buildings, but some of these units are either expensive or slower like most factions with mass numbers and brute force. Their animalistic beasts are genetically mutated and bio-engineered, trained in their Enclosures, and made for their mounts or combat as their biological weapons. Their vehicles, mainly from the Soviet, Czechoslovak, American, and French military assets, are contemporarily assembled with the use of spare parts, and deployed in their Light and Heavy Motor Pools. Their aircraft, mainly the rotary-wing and fixed-wing, are purchased from the Soviet, Czechoslovak, Italian, and French military asset markets, recycled, revitalized, and reassembled altogether, making them into the better, deadlier forms in their Helipads and Airfields. Their vessels are purchased and imported from the post-Soviet naval fleets to make them look recycled since the Cold War era. However, it means to say that some of these non-infantry units lack the firepower or armor of technologically advanced and improved factions. For the better improvement of their units' firepower, armors and performances, the commanders of the Mutant Horde are able to purchase more upgrades via the Arms Warehouses, Research Laboratories, and Chemical Labs. When fully upgraded, they can possibly be quite strong, powerful, and even better on the field of battle. Whatever weakness the Mutant Horde can't be compensated by these upgrades, they do much so with such tactical advantages. In this case, the Mutant Horde paramilitarily excels at emphasizing attrition, unconventional, urban, irregular and guerrilla warfare, most notably hit-and-run tactics and surprise attacks, as its military forces are highly mobile, and reliable to win a war by wearing down enemies to the point of collapse through continuous losses in both personnel and materiel. They also employed ambushes and traps. With these useful tactics, the Mutant Horde will probably do anything and everything that is necessary to achieve victoriously over their foes.

Technological level[]

Because of their genetically engineered mutations, affecting their intelligence, the technological level of the Mutant Horde is inferiorly nowhere near as other technologically advanced factions, which may outsmart theirs. In that case, the Mutant Horde, despite being technologically disadvantaged, as a paramilitary syndicate can also be handled by having any modern air power via old arsenal of the Soviet, French, Italian and Czechoslovak aerial assets, recycling the old fleet of the Soviet Navy, using classical, unconventional and makeshift weaponry, and employing foreign scientists, as well as their own scientists, including those from Animatopia, who conducted research to help improve their factional arsenal. Technologies known to be used by them included chemical and biological weapons, missiles, and GPS scrambler technology, which allows their forces to stay their enemies away from their sight.

Veterancy ranks[]

As a paramilitary force, the military ranks of this faction are different to those of the regular armed forces.

Veterancy rank Army rank Naval Force rank Air Service rank
None Recruit Sailor Aviator
Veteran Corporal Petty Officer Senior Aviator
Elite Sergeant Chief Petty Officer Sergeant
Epic Lieutenant/Captain Lieutenant Lieutenant/Captain
Heroic Major/Colonel Captain Major/Colonel


The Mutant Horde has one and only sub-faction focusing on chemical warfare.

Chemical Division[]

Brewing countless cocktails of toxins and poisons within their labs. The Chemical Division saturates the battlefield with their noxious creations, with fields of gas that slowly poison their foe while empowering themselves while their chemicals melt infantry to the bones and vehicles into sludge.

Notable members[]


  • Warlord Darwin Krokoff: Warlord of the Mutant Horde
  • Field Marshal Gregor Zach: Supreme Commander of the Mutant Horde
  • General Fillip Carmel: Mutant Horde Legion Commander
  • Lieutenant General Targus Beland: Mutant Horde War Commander
  • Dr. Anthony "Anthrax" Racks: Head of Research and Development and Mutant Horde Chemical Commander
  • Brigadier Ivan Chekhov (Иван Чехов): Mutant Horde Stealth Commander
  • Commandant Monty Reynar: Mutant Horde Renegade Commander
  • General Ethan Morris: Mutant Horde Genetic Mutation Commander


  • Ziggy Franken: Terrain Agent (hero unit)
  • Deakin Musta: Communications Officer (announcer)

Factional theme[]

The following theme songs for the Mutant Horde must be mixed with post-apocalyptic and fundamentally salvaged themes and similarities of Mad Max, the Brazilian Militia from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the Global Liberation Army (GLA) from Command & Conquer: Generals, and Mutants from Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun.


Theme Track Title Original Placeholder
Idle Theme 1 Dawn of Mutants
Idle Theme 2 A Path to Exodus
Idle Theme 3 Courageous Wasteland
Idle Theme 4 Insidious Mutant Horde
Idle Theme 5 Day of the Irregular Militia
Battle Theme 1 Glorious Combat
Battle Theme 2 Surprise Attack
Battle Theme 3 Raging Tides
Battle Theme 4 Raid and Pillage
Battle Theme 5 Mutant Rising from Extinction
Loading Theme Genetic Mutation
Defeat Theme Mutant Down
Victory Theme Liberty of Mutants



  • The Mutant Horde itself, as the name implies, is inspired and influenced by the Evolved from the KKND series, the Global Liberation Army or GLA from Command & Conquer: Generals (including Rise of the Reds and Contra mods) and its canceled sequel, the Soviets and Yuri from the Command & Conquer: Red Alert universe, the Forgotten and the Brotherhood of Nod from the Command & Conquer series, World Energy Consortium from Act of War, Cartel from Act of Aggression, House Ordos from the Dune series, the Junkers and the Wastelanders from Overwatch, various organizations from Mad Max, the Tempest Dynasty from Tempest Rising, private military companies, and other paramilitary and guerrilla organizations around the world, such as Triple Canopy and the Wagner Group.
    • Similarly, the gameplay of the Mutant Horde plays similar to those said factions in different RTS game titles.
    • The Mutant Horde is also similar to the World Energy Consortium from the Act of War series, Cartel from Act of Aggression, and the Global Liberation Army (GLA) from Command & Conquer: Generals as they commonly possess a mix of Russian, American, and European military equipment, especially with a large number of Russian military assets.
    • The Mutant Horde is conceptually related to the African Empire (aka African Warlords) as both factions utilize crude, junk-based technology, as well as mutated soldiers and animals to fight alongside. However, this original faction is scrapped in favor of the GLA during the early, conceptual development of Command & Conquer: Generals.
  • The military grade arsenal of the Mutant Horde consists of many countries of origin, such as the Soviet Union, France, Czechia, Serbia, and even America.
Factions, countries, and organizations of Artistic Forces
Western Kingdoms Sda insignia final 3 American Defense AllianceSuperhuman union logo European Superior UnionRs logo Commonwealth of Collective States
Asian Dynasties Pdf logo Pacific Dragon ForceRssdf logo 2 Rising Sun Self-Defense ForceTaegeuk defense force logo Taegeuk Defense Force
Dominant Militias Mutant horde logo Mutant HordeImc logo Irregular-Maverick ConfederationKaijin gundan logo Kaijin GundanMi logo Militant Insurgents
Chibi-Shojo Forces Joshi rikugun logo Josei GuntaiKemonomimi logo KemonomimiYami musume logo Yami Musume
Futuristic and Galactic Civilizations Robotoid logo RobotoidsGia logo Global Integrity AssociationInterplanetary league logo Interplanetary League
Animatopian Civilizations Stick figuroid logo Stick FiguroidsOarck logo OarcksToon federation logo Toon FederationFiguroid armed force logo Figuroid Armed ForceDominion of animatopia logo Dominion of AnimatopiaFreak logo FreaksPossessed logo PossessedElvenian logo ElfaeniaDwarvenome logo DwarvenomesDark elvenian logo Dark ElfaeniaShade logo ShadesHobbriton logo HobbritonsAzuloid logo AzuloidsDijinnri logo DijinnriDaraiyan logo Avataryans
Anthropomorphic Forces Anthro logo AnthroHorroroid logo HorroroidsTyranosaurians logo without teeth TyrannosauriansBeast warlords logo Beast WarlordsDongwuren dynasty logo Dongwuren DynastyZuchi directorate logo Zuchi Directorate
Fanatical Cults Fanatic-heretic cult logo Fanatic-Heretic CultCult of the undead logo Cult of the Undead
Arab-Middle-Eastern Kingdoms Mds logo Magen David SocietyAmec logo Arab-Middle-Eastern Confederacy
Dominant Wannabes Totalitarian empire logo 2 Totalitarian EmpireAlien empire logo Alien EmpireInterdimensional empire 2 Interdimensional EmpireDominators logo Dominators
Bonus Factions Rcff logo Royal Canadian Federal ForceTtc logo Trans-Tasman CoalitionIndian corps logo Indian CorpsPapp logo Pan-Asia-Pacific PactTrf logo Turkish Republican ForceIranian syndicate logo Iranian SyndicateKyoudai gundan logo Kyoudai GundanZaibatsu teikoku logo Zaibatsu TeikokuTrolloid logo TrolloidsSahariptian logo SahariptiansDhampir count logo Dhampir Counts
North America CanadaUnited States
Europe AlbaniaAustriaBelarusBelgiumBosnia and HerzegovinaBulgariaCroatiaCzech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGeorgiaGreeceGermanyHungaryIrelandItalyLatviaLithuaniaMoldovaMontenegroNetherlandsNorth MacedoniaNorwayPolandPortugalRomaniaRussiaSerbiaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandUkraineUnited Kingdom
Africa AlgeriaLibyaSouth Africa
Middle East BahrainEgyptIranIraqIsraelJordanKuwaitLebanonOmanPalestineQatarSaudi ArabiaSyriaTurkeyUnited Arab EmiratesYemen
Asia ArmeniaAzerbaijanBruneiCambodiaChinaIndiaIndonesiaJapanKazakhstanKoreaKyrgyzstanLaosMalaysiaMyanmarNepalPhilipinnesSingaporeTaiwanTajikstanThailandTurkmenistanUzbekistanVietnam
Oceania AustraliaNew Zealand
Westerica Moodley IslandStickos
Centrica TBA
Meridia TBA
Occidensia AsgardiaDoitsomaniaElfaenia
Medios TBA
Suliem TBA
Septentrion GenetistanRussovietia
Orientashia KemonomimikokuSakurakokuZaikoku
Otelia TBA
Companies Rikigaku RoboticsKisai RoboticsTsurugi RoboticsSenin Ship WorksMorikawa IndustriesNishizawa Energy CorporationKyodai Heavy IndustriesTokuhara BureauHorikoshi AeronauticsTetsubasa AerospaceKeizai IndustriesNHMABNBNN
Other EntenteSyndicateTriple AxisUnited Nations