Game Ideas Wiki
Game Ideas Wiki

  • Aqua Rim is a platformer metroidvania with fantasy plus sci-fi elements released in Summer of 2017 with it being first sold in two parts with Part 1:Ascendant coming out in July of 2017 and Part 2:Fatal Dreams being released in September of 2017 with them eventually being bundled into the game known as Aqua Rim with extra DLC coming out in early 2018 and a sequel coming out later in 2018.


  • It plays essentially as your basic 2.5D platformer but with metroidvania elements being able to explore new area's with skills you acquired throughout the game or from the variety of bosses you discover from exploring everywhere. There are also RPG Elements with you being able to use a skill tree in game with the more progress granting your character more EXP as you battle threats and travel more. There is also a daily system in the portable versions where every day after leaving the game for a while your character will be healed or weapons will be fixed as there is a weapons degredation system where if you overuse weapons they break or become blunt and useless forcing you to drop them. Also touchscreen controls are used to defeat enemies or interact with the enviroment in the PS Vita and 3DS version's.


  • The tale begins when an amnesiac merman wakes up in the middle of a grand colourful reef where a cheery upbeat forgetful robot greets you having known you for a while and teaching you about thing's before vanishing leaving you on your own in the ocean as you travel forward towards the shore leading to you discovering an abandoned rusted island with seemingly no-one in as strange creatures appear and strike leading to your first battle before you escape further into the island. More coming soon...