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Game Ideas Wiki

Fall has begun and the 3 survivors arrive at the universaty. Aiden looks for an entrance and finds on by climbing on a roof and enter the building via a window. They walk through the halls of the universaty, but there's nobody.

They find the cemichal lab and find a notebook. The notebook says that the disease was made by human hands, but evolved by nature. After looking into more rooms, Rose finds a report of how the disease affects people. The disease goes via the nerves into the brain and shut downs several brain parts, uncluding the ones of feeling pain, emotions, thinking, speaking and talking. Other brain parts are boosted by the disease, like the one for cannibalism, hearing, seeing and hunger.

Suddenly Derrick calls the group from the otherside of the building. Rose and Aiden arrive at Derricks situation, finding a zombie which was used to cut in for research. Suddenly, a man arrives into the room, holding a pistol. He asks who they are and Derrick says that they don't have wrong intentions. The man fires a shot but misses, scaring all 3 survivors. He says that he lives in the universaty and that several raiders have attacked him for his research. He doesn't believe the 3, but Aiden says that if he wants them to do something, he will do it. The man agrees and says that he needs to get rid of the raiders, a few miles further. There's a camp. Aiden agrees to go, but Derrick and Rose refuses and want to stay in the universaty to collect intel on the disease. Aiden agrres with them and gets an automatic rifle from the man, saying that he needs it.

Aiden than leaves the universaty. He hears the man saying one last thing before he leaves and that is: "Take your time...".
