A Monarchy of Scum is an open world action-adventure video game designed by George Alder, developed by NINE100 Quebec and published by NINE100 Studios. It is based on a group of five criminals who come to together to form the national crime organisation The Wandering Monarchs. The game is set in an open-world consisting of five different localities, of varying size and atmosphere.
Story Missions[]
- Inceptive Stumbles (Dean)
- Target Practice (Dean)
- The Digital Age (Clara)
- Cyber Heist (Clara)
- Chose the Thug Life (D.W)
- A Fix from Nickton (D.W)
- Kite Flying (Noah)
- Drugged Up in Flames (Noah and D.W.)
- Half the Man (Bob)
- Environmentalist Bastards (Bob)
- Ipezal Slaughterhouse (Clara and Bob)
- Software @ Santa Khan (Clara)
- Courtesy of Bunty (D.W.)
- Beginning of a Band (Dean)
- Hotline to Madness (Bob)
Side Missions[]
- Black Hat (Clara)
- The Kingdom of America Trailer
- Dean Trailer
- Clara Trailer
- D.W. Trailer
- Noah Trailer
- Bob Trailer
- See Also: Santa Khan, Ipezal Beach, Port Dagenhead, Nickton and Emerson Creek
Gameplay Mecahnics[]
A Monarchy of Scum makes use of an official score, composed by artists from varying genres ranging from electronic to rock. The majority of the orchestral parts of the score were composed by Garry Schyman, of BioShock fame. The game also featured a large amount of licensed music that can be listened to through car radios while driving, or phone radios while walking around.